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To serve those in need. 


Ecc 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.


DONATIONS: J127 Altruistic Ministries is fully dependent upon generous donations and contributions. You can partner with us in providing for these young adults by becoming a monthly donor, one-time contributor or name us as an estate beneficiary. We believe it truly takes a village to raise a child through adulthood and ask you to consider becoming part of our village. All monetary donations are tax deductible.


Dedicate a room to your loved ones 

What better way to memorialize your loved ones by honoring their legacy! With a one-time $2,500 legacy donation, adopt a room and we will honor your loved one for one full year by naming a room after them with a memorialized plaque and picture. (maybe Alyssa can reword to make it sound more personable)


Life Skills volunteer

Volunteers are needed as Life Skills Guest Speakers. You will have the opportunity to share with our residents the ins and outs of your hobby, skill or job that can benefit the life of our residents. Such as:

  • Mechanics                    Resume Writing            College Prep                 Photography

  • Gardening                    Household Finances      Painting                        Crafts

  • Cooking/Baking             Tutoring Services          Make-up/Hair               Cleaning Tips/Hacks

  • Organizing                    Washing/Ironing           Housekeeping  

  • Etiquette/Manners 



1 Th 5:11 Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing …


Ministry Volunteers

If your heart is pressed to become part of our Ministry, whether it be administrative, public speaking, accounting, event coordinator, volunteer coordinator, event chairperson or anything God has laid upon your heart. YOU ARE NEEDED! Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another.

Get in Touch

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