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Provide Housing 

Funded strictly by generous donors like you, we are providing temporary transitional housing for aged-out foster youth and homeless college students who are pursuing higher education and career paths.

Wooden Furnitures

Teach life Skills 

Our volunteer guest speakers provide short seminars regarding everyday living skills. We also emphasize on the importance of knowing about meal prep, banking, resume assistance, interview process, career opportunities and other life skills such as: Gardening, sewing, auto maintenance, etc.

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Assist in Education

Whether our residents are completing high school, entering college or continuing to a Master or Ph.D. degree, we aid in seeking out the necessary contacts for the application process or counseling services needed. We provide transportation and support to those attending high school and encourage all students to complete their education path as they desire. 

Praying Hands

Be Apart of the Change!

DONATIONS: J127 Altruistic Ministries is fully dependent upon generous donations and contributions. You can partner with us in providing for these young adults by becoming a monthly donor, one-time contributor or name us as an estate beneficiary. We believe it truly takes a village to raise a child through adulthood and ask you to consider becoming part of our village. All monetary donations are tax deductible.

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