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Founding Members


Denise Mangé Hernandez 

As a mother to 4 children and grandmother to 3, my home and heart are always full. It is so rewarding to share in their growth and success in this life. My hearts desire is to encourage every child to attain their dreams and goals.

Becoming a foster parent for my great nephew changed my perspective. Adopting him filled my life with unconditional love. Going through the process inspired this ministry. 


 Michele "Shelley" Collins 

I am a loving and compassionate person who loves children, I have raised 2 of my own and I have 4 grandchildren. It takes a village to raise a  child.

I believe all children should have the love, support, and encouragement to succeed in todays world .



Carolyn Burleson Mills 

I am a wife to Scott Mills and mother to our 2 boys Arthur and Josh. My family and I found a calling to serve in our local churches. God has gifted me with a passion for working with the youth and serving in Missions. 

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